- Manufacturer: JR
- Type:
- Dimensions:
- Weight:
- Material:
Similar parts
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plate ve:
Motor Mounting Plate: VE
Gyro Mounting Plate: VE
Tail Pitch Plate: VC,V9
Li-Po Battery Plate: Voyager E
Battery Holder w/ Mounting Plate
Servo Mounting Plate:AC,BC,V
Gyro Mounting Plate: A5
Carbon Fiber Battery Mounting Plate, Black
CF Bottom Frame Plate:V
Servo Mounting Plate Set: CP
Swash Plate - NR3D
Aluminum Battery Mounting Plate Set, Gray
Carbon Fiber Battery Mounting Plate, Silver
Tail Pitch Plate:A,B,E,V,CP
Tail Slider Plate Raptor 30/50
Plate Washers,2mm (10)
Plate Washers,3mm (10)
Tail Control Plate: PM
Servo Mounting Plate:A,B,E
Switch Plate: PM
Tail Servo Plate: PM
Alloy Chassis Plate - NR3D
Pitch Arm Plate: A5
.. more plate data.
Comments, stories:
If you have used Anti-Rotation Plate: VE before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.
If you have used Anti-Rotation Plate: VE before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.