- Manufacturer: K&S
- Type:
- Dimensions:
- Weight:
- Material:
Similar parts
hex start shaft:
Hex Start Shaft, Universal
start shaft:
Start Shaft: A5
Start Shaft Oneway BB:A,B
Start Shaft Bearing Block:E,V
Replacement Hex Shaft, KSJ239
Hardened Hex Adapter:Ergo
Lightweight Hex Allen Driver, 1.5mm
Hex Nuts,2.6mm (10)
Hex Nut, 1.6mm: PM
Hex Adapter:V9
Lightweight Hex Allen Driver, 2.0mm
Hex Shaft Only For 960090
Lightweight Hex Allen Driver, 2.5mm
Hex Nuts,2mm (10)
Lightweight Hex Allen Driver, 3.0mm
Deluxe Ball Link Pliers: All
120CCPM Deluxe Swashplate: TREX 450XL/SE
Rotopod, Deluxe
Deluxe Fuel Tubing Cap
shaft assembly:
Metal Tail Rotor Shaft Assembly: 600A, CF
Tail Rotor Shaft Assembly (2): 600A, CF
Seesaw Shaft Assembly:V
Pushrod Assembly - 3DXL
Clutch Assembly: V50
CCPM Swashplate Assembly: CP
Swashplate Assembly: PM
Tail Pitch Assembly, New
Skid Assembly - VNR2
Secondary Gear Assembly: Voyager
Pushrod Assembly -3D Micro
Swashplate Assembly:AS
Main Frame Assembly - 3DXL
Skid Assembly - OCR
Clutch Assembly:E,V
Alum Tail Pitch Assembly:A,B,E,Z
Clutch Bell Assembly,10T:B
Spinner Cup Assembly (239)
CCPM Elevator Arm Assembly: VC,V9
CCPM A-Arm Assembly: VC
Swashplate Assembly:V9
.. more assembly data.
Comments, stories:
If you have used Deluxe Hex Start Shaft Assembly before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.
If you have used Deluxe Hex Start Shaft Assembly before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.