- Manufacturer: E-FLITE
- Type:
- Dimensions:
- Weight:
- Material:
Similar parts
hardware set:
Aluminum/Carbon Fiber Frame Hardware Set
Frame Hardware Set: 600A, CF
Hardware Set: BCP, BCPP
Hardware Set
set bcx:
Swashplate Set: BCX
Complete Body Set: BCX
Outer Shaft & Main Gear Set: BCX
Training Gear Set:BCX
Landing Skid Set: BCX
Shaft Retaining Collar Set: BCX
Lower Rotor Head & Linkage Set: BCX
Main Frame Set: BCX
Servo Pushrod Set: BCX
Inner Shaft with Hub & Main Gear Set: BCX
Battery Support Set: BCX
Stabilizer Flybar Set: BCX
Body Mnt Rod & Grommet Set: BCX
Bearing 4x8x3mm (2): BCX
FM Crystal Set Channel 21, 72.210: BCP, BCX, BCPP
Inner Shaft Main Gear: BCX
Lower Main Blade Set (2 pr): BCX
Precision CNC Swashplate, Blue: BCX
FM Crystal Set Channel 54, 72.870: BCP, BCX, BCPP
Upper Main Blade Set (2 pr): BCX
Complete Body Set, Police: BCX
FM Crystal Set Channel 52, 72.830: BCP, BCX, BCPP
Steel Inner Shaft: MH-CX065: BCX
Mounting Accys & Screwdriver: Heat Sink BCX
Inner Shaft Aluminum Bearing Housing w/Bearing:BCX
Lower Main Blades: BCX
Front Body/Canopy: BCX
CNC Upper Main Blade Grips: BCX
FM Crystal Set Channel 50, 72.790: BCP, BCX, BCPP
Front Body/Canopy, Police: BCX
Rear Body, Police: BCX
Inner Shaft w/Aluminum Main Rotor Hub: BCX
CNC Upper Main Blade Grips, Blue: BCX
Aluminum Bearing Holder w/Bearing: BCX
.. more bcx data.
Tail Rotor Blade Set, 3K: X, XL
Tail Blade Holder Set: CP
.. more set data.
Comments, stories:
If you have used Hardware Set: BCX before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.
If you have used Hardware Set: BCX before, please write several words with your feedback, pros and cons, or whatever you think will be usefull for readers. If you have a question - you can ask it here.